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Guilde Frenchies. une guilde qui regroupe plusieurs amis d'Archlord .
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 La meilleure !!!!!!!!!!

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2 participants


Messages : 181
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2009
Age : 33
Localisation : Beauvais

La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: La meilleure !!!!!!!!!!   La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMar 15 Déc - 4:09


La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Pr_main16


Finally, we would like to announce that the Archlord Siege Warfare will be updated
as of December 15, 2009.

- Inflame / Traqua / Arthian and Rensphere (Archlord final battle only) will be open

In order to siege a castle, two guilds will have a war each
time. The guild master who leads to win the battle will become a lord
of the castle. He will also rule the area where the castle is belonged,
and will be compensated as well.

The Siege Time

The Siege Warfare will be held on every Saturday at 12:00 GST.

From the first to third week Siege Warfares will be held,
and the Archlord final battle will be held on the fourth week of every month.
The Archlord final battle will make a progress with the castle lords from the third weeks’ siege warfare.

Apply for the Siege Guild

■ The initial Defender of the castle is NPC guild.
■ To become a
siege guild, only guild master can request participation through the
Siege Commander NPC. To request a siege, the guild must have a minimum
of 30 members.
■ The registration can be made for 3 days (72 hours) from the moment
the last siege ends, and registration and cancellation for siege war
can only occur during the registration period.
■ Using the Siege Commander NPC, which stands in front of each
castle, you may check the next siege schedule, current castle
lord, guild name, members and the registered siege / defend guilds list
as well.

Selecting Guild to Siege/ Defend the Castle

■ Selecting Siege Guild
there are 3 guilds or more registered from the attacking side then the
top three guilds will be selected based on the number of members,
period of existences and the level of leader.

■ Selecting Guilds to Defend the Castle
The 2 guilds of Defenses will be chosen among the entire applicants requested to be on the side of Defense.
As soon as the participants of the attacking and defending side have been decided, the siege begins at the designated time.

The initial Siege Warfare will carry out a siege only with guilds on
the attacking side and have a NPC guild as Defender and will not take
any request for the Defense.

Attacking Side Sequence

Siege Warfare has set objectives you must accomplish in order to succeed.

■ Gain entry to the castle courtyard
can gain initial entry to the castle grounds via 3 methods. Going
directly for the main gate; or going for the flanking guard towers. The
guard towers will fight back however.

■ Gain entry to the castle
is only one way into the castle for the attackers and that is through
the internal gate situated on a higher tier directly behind the castle
Revival Tower.

■ Break the magical shield around the Sealed Throne
Throne is protected with a magical archon shield. This must be attacked
until it can no longer withstand any more punishment and fails. Once
this shield is down the Archon Eye’s become vulnerable to attack.

■ Close both the east and west Archon Eye’s
the Throne shield is down the Archon Eyes can be attacked. This will
blind the Archlord’s watchful gaze on the castle and allow
stamping of the throne. The Eyes are flanked by an Archon protective on
each side that will retaliate to any hostile action upon the Eyes. The
protective cannot be attacked or destroyed it will cease its attack
when the eye is closed/destroyed. Once you have closed one eye you must
close the other eye within 5 minutes of the first one otherwise they
both re-open and the attackers have to close both eyes again.

Stamp your mark on the Throne
final task in the fight is stamping your mark on the castle throne
itself. This will take 3 minutes to achieve and during which the
stamping guild leader cannot move or attack other players lest the
stamping is cancelled. He/she can however use health potions as normal.
guild leader can stamp the throne and this is usually the point where
alliances fail and the attacking guilds turn against each other for
control over the castle.

As for the castle siege battle against NPC guild, the guild leader
that was the last to stamp the throne within 2 hours, he/she will be
declared as the new castle lord and the siege will end. Otherwise, NPC
guild will win and the siege will fail.

Archlord Support Team

Dernière édition par Spyke le Mar 15 Déc - 4:21, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 181
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2009
Age : 33
Localisation : Beauvais

La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La meilleure !!!!!!!!!!   La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMar 15 Déc - 4:16

Bon en gros, pour les attaquants, il faut passer la muraille, detruire la porte du donjon pour acceder a la salle du trone, ensuite il faut detruire un bouclier magique qui protege le trone. Après on devra fermer deux "yeux" qui sont une autre protection du trone a 5 minutes d'intervale. Une fois le premier oeil fermé, dans les 5 minutes qui suivent il faut fermer l'autre. Ensuite et enfin, Le Stamp, le stamp du trône qui dure 3 minutes.

Dernière édition par Spyke le Mar 15 Déc - 4:21, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 181
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2009
Age : 33
Localisation : Beauvais

La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La meilleure !!!!!!!!!!   La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMar 15 Déc - 4:19

Tout ça c'est bien mais maintenant la mauvaise nouvelle : le siege a lieu le samedi a 12h gst. Et si j'ai bien compris, il y a 15 heures d'écart entre chez eux et ici . Donc le siege aura lieu le dimanche :p et j'ai bien peur que la quête de l'archlord soit le lundi.
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Messages : 16
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2009
Age : 54
Localisation : Garige

La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La meilleure !!!!!!!!!!   La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMar 15 Déc - 4:34

ahhhhh la galere pense pas a nous mdrrrr c pa sympa mais bon c'est vrai que sa motive (^^)
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MessageSujet: Re: La meilleure !!!!!!!!!!   La meilleure !!!!!!!!!! Icon_minitime

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